This summer the action plan is an endeavour in that direction. Thousands of people, suspected to have contracted coronavirus, are in quarantine. Find out more »

Many areas, especially in South Delhi, are reeling under an acute water crisis as the demand-supply gap has already spiralled to more than 200 MGD (million gallons a day).According to officials, many projects including those planned to connect areas with piped networks have been stalled as the focus has shifted to saving lives in the pandemic.During the lockdown, the frequency of water supply by tankers has drastically gone down, many residents said and added that they stand in queues for two to three hours due to barricading in different locations.The scramble for water that means poor social distancing has raised coronavirus alarm in Delhi.To get two buckets of water, Naresh Kumar, a resident of North-East Delhi's Shiv Vihar, has to stand in a long queue for twothree hours. "ON Friday, DJB issued its summer action plan to ensure a Delhi free from any water crisis in times of Covid-19. ""The demand-supply gap is scary. We have no choice. "Now is the time to act as the situation will get worse during peak summer," he warned.Abhishek Dutt, a municipal councillor in South Delhi, said, "Installation of water pipelines in uncovered areas remains a longstanding demand of residents. For reprint rights: File photo of people collecting water amid lockdown in Delhi.
Delhi's all 11 districts comprising as many as 78 containment areas have been put in 'Red Zone' to combat the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. Water Crisis Drama Began With ‘Hey, We Broke Something Here’ By Associated Press , Wire Service Content Aug. 8, 2020 By Associated Press , Wire Service Content Aug. 8, 2020, at 1:37 p.m.

"We know about the threat of coronavirus. My prime objective is to arrange drinking water for my family. In six months from now, by the year 2020, 21 Indian cities, including Delhi, are feared to run out of groundwater. (Photo: Pankaj Nangia/India Today) 155 water bodies will be rejuvenated. But what can we do about it? ANI | Updated: Jul 23, 2020 17:21 IST.

117 water ATMs and e-Piaos have been installed at strategic locations. "He highlighted that DJB will work towards maintaining water treatment plants, increasing supplies in water-deficient areas and improving efficiency and faster disposal of complaints.To meet the rising demand, DJB will also deploy 1,077 tankers in water-deficient areas. It has identified 8,738 supply points for delivery of water on a daily basis through tankers. New Delhi New Delhi, India This event is hosted by the Aqua Foundation, an Indian NGO focused on overcoming India's water issues and environmental issues. DJB's inability is worrying and painful at the time of such an emergency.

We are forced to be part of this mess. It supplies water through tankers to around 550 colonies.For people living in these areas, Covid-19 is a second concern as arranging drinking water remains their priority. (Photo: Pankaj Nangia/India Today) Delhi's all 11 districts comprising as many as 78 containment areas have been put in 'Red Zone' to combat the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. But DJB is able to supply 925 MGD and is dependent on tankers to meet the shortfall of about 200 MGD. A fully piped network was AAP's election promise. Everyone is talking about washing hands for 20 seconds, but it's a luxury for a vast chunk of the population that doesn't not have access to drinking water," said water expert Himanshu Thakkar.He added the AAP government has fixed many gaps but the problem still remains acute.
"A total of 254 additional tubewells are being installed, taking the total count to 4,910. 17 water testing laboratories have been upgraded," said an official.Copyright © 2020 Living Media India Limited. We can live with the virus but we cannot survive without drinking water," said Sumitra Yadav of Deoli.Her neighbour Komal Chaudhary said, "We cannot afford to buy 20-litre water canes every day. Who will be responsible if the virus spreads in these areas? India’s water crisis is far from even-handed - the elite in Delhi and most other parts of the country remain unaffected while the poor scramble for supplies every day. New lakes are being created. "Vijay Kumar, a resident of Shiv Vihar, said, "Pressure on water tankers is too high as the area is densely populated. One costs Rs 80.