The names of her two dead sons and a curse on their father are what Eurydice says before she dies in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. The emphasis of the drama was on poetry and horrifying or shocking action would distract the audience from the power of the words spoken by the actors.Note that in contrast to the philosophical tone of the last lines of While she is not an integral part of the conflict, she fits the paradigm of a woman in Greece. Antigone may have been depressed, “my heart was long since dead” (line 559), and locates herself emotionally as an abject progeny of a monstrous marriage. Study Guides Literature Notes A woman held no power within the polis and was essentially owned by her father or husband. In Antigone by Sophocles, we are introduced to Antigone and her sister Ismene who are devastated when they learn that Creon, the king, has ordered that their brother Polyneices be left to the vultures because he has been declared a traitor. Summary and Analysis: Antigone On hearing the news, Eurydice, the queen, retreats into the palace where she, too, kills herself after cursing her husband, Creon. In the end, she lost her voice, no longer looked towards the light, did not listen to supplications and lost her mind.

When his dead body was carried on the shoulders by a few people, Eurydice bursts through town in a wail of: There, she ploughed her face with her nails, pulled her hair out of her head and continued to mourn for months. She thrusts a sword into her heart and curses Creon for the death of her two sons: Haemon and Megareus. Missing, he turned the sword against himself, and died embracing Antigone’s body. Most would say, no way! Hearing that Haemon is dead, Eurydice rushes back into the palace, followed by the messenger.

Eurydice Eurydice was a nymph in Greek mythology, one of the daughters of the god Apollo. After their marriage, Eurydice was pursued by Aristaeus; in her effort to evade him, she stepped on a snake, she was bitten and died. A messenger announces that Antigone has hanged herself and that Haemon, agonized at her death, has also killed himself.

Creon's change of heart comes too late to save anyone, but just in time to allow the proud king a last heartbreaking confrontation with his son.

She was married to Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet. Greek theatrical tradition demanded that scenes of violence be described rather than actually seen. and any corresponding bookmarks? © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. They went in and saw Antigone hanging from a noose and Haemon raving. These three suicides – Antigone, Haemon, and Eurydice, all die in the course of a single set of events but for different reasons spanning the range of human experience.

All rights reserved. A messenger announces that Antigone has hanged herself and that Haemon, agonized at her death, has also killed himself. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Eurydice was probably the mother of Creon's five children: When the seer Tiresias predicts that if a son of Creon voluntarily throws himself off the wall, the city will be saved. Then Menoeceus decided to sacrifice himself and jumped off the wall.

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bookmarked pages associated with this title. On hearing the news, Eurydice, the queen, retreats into the palace where she, too, kills herself after cursing her husband, Creon. Pious and discreet, she retreats to the palace, evidently to mourn in privacy, as her nature would dictate. The character Eurydice from the play Antigone fits this role. Creon's stubb… Test Prep

Given the opportunity, would you stand up for what you believed in even if it meant your death? In ancient Greece, it was a woman's job to run the household and take care of her children. She appears briefly in Sophocles' Antigone (as an "archetypal grieving, saddened mother" and an older counterpart to Antigone ), to kill herself after learning, from a messenger, that her son Haemon and his betrothed, Antigone, have both committed suicide.