The Mark IV used a GMC Detroit Diesel; these were the majority of those used in the desert campaigns. No seats were provided for them.The crew proper consisted of a driver sitting on the left and a commander sitting to the right of him (the first time in a British tank making this concession to the Despite the use of thinner—0.39 inches (10 mm)—armour, the operational weight was still 27 long tons (27 t) and the speed only 4.3 mph (6.9 km/h). Long wooden boards were attached to the track links but at one side of the board only; as they reached the curve of the track they would project, acting as paddles. to "Target all Extremis heat signatures. The Valentine Mk. Sometime after the Battle of New York, Tony, who was haunted by what happened in New York, got obsessed in making more Iron Man suits. Unlocks the 'Concentrated Sexton Barrage' veteran ability, +7 sight range. The first machines were delivered in October 1918, but they never saw action. The Mark I has been destroyed on film 3 times (twice in Iron Man, and once in Iron Man 3), and rebuilt twice. Mark X: Features another modified turret design using the 6-pounder, but made it able to use a coaxial machine gun again and still uses the 165 hp diesel engine. The armor was created sometime after the Battle of New York. Uses a welded construction; Mark XI: The Mk.X using the QF 75 mm gun instead of a 6-pounder, with the 210 hp diesel engine. Disables main gun.The Valentine's smoke grenade projector launches six shells at the target area in quick succession.Attacks vehicles freely, but holds fire against infantry and structures unless given an explicit order to fire.Call in a recon plane to patrol above the command vehicle for a period of time.Vehicle crews gain the ability to repair their vehicles rapidly. XI Tank is a light infantry tank, improved over earlier variants with more powerful engine and a long barrel 75mm main gun.Unlocks the 'Concentrated Sexton Barrage' veteran ability, +7 sight range.+20% maximum speed, +20% rotation speed, +35% turret rotation speed.Increases maximum speed by pushing the vehicle's engine beyond its rated power for a short duration. The Mark VII introduced a new N°19 radio set and some internal modifications. The driver sat on hull centre line, entering through either of two angled hatches over the seat, though there was an emergency exit hatch beneath his seat. To ensure sufficient stiffness for the chassis, the floor was reinforced by heavy transverse girders. The Valentine shared the common weakness of the British tanks of the period, its 2-pounder gun lacked high-explosive (anti-personnel) ammunition and soon became outdated as an anti-tank weapon. The driver's area contained only the driver and the driving controls. Pictures exist of vehicles carrying the designation "IC" painted on their hulls, probably indicating they were indeed used as "Infantry Carriers".Already a bulky vehicle — the probable reason the Mark IX was selected as the basis for an amphibious tank — its displacement was improved by fitting drums at the front and sides.

The Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Envisioned as a breakthrough tank, the Mark XI was more heavily armored than its predecessor and featured both a turret-mounted gun-mortar and a secondary anti-tank cannon.

Driving was by clutch and brake steering through levers, whose control rods ran the length of the hull to the transmission at the rear. Being a Heavy Combat Suit, the armor's Unibeam is presumed to have a powerful energy output. The Mark VIA appeared in late 1942 with wider, new studded tracks, jettisonable fuel tanks… The Mark XXIV (Mark 24), also known by its name as "Tank", is a Heavy Combat Suit, and was one of several new Iron Man Armors created by Tony Stark as part of the Iron Legion.

The Mark XXIV (Mark 24), also known by its name as "Tank", is a Heavy Combat Suit, and was one of several new Iron Man Armors created by Tony Stark as part of the Iron Legion.The armor was created sometime after the Battle of New York..

In the summer of 1917, at the same time as another 'carrier' tank, the As there was no time for a completely new design, the Mark IX was based on the Mark V, with the hull lengthened to 9.73 m (31 ft 11 in).