Spanish, , 54kb. Glossary. This third edition is the result of the valuable cooperation between the three ...This document lists the principal terms used in combined transport or related to it. All the definitions referring specifically to the geographical framework of Europe may be applied to other regions of the world. This glossary integrates a wealth of policy, legal, management and technical terms that were selected according to one key criterion: each of them had to be used in environmental compliance promotion and enforcement or have significance for this field. English, PDF, 113kb. All the definitions referring specifically to the geographical framework of Europe may be applied to other regions of the world. Select one or more items in both lists to browse for the relevant contentThe Glossary for transport statistics was published for the first time in 1994 with the purpose of assisting member countries during the collection of data on transport using the Common Questionnaire developed by the UNECE, the International...The Glossary for Transport Statistics was published for the first time in 1994 with the purpose of assisting member countries during the collection of data on transport using the Common Questionnaire developed by the United Nations Economic ...The Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish Products is a world standard guide to the names of fish and fish products traded internationally.The OECD Glossary contains a comprehensive set of over 6 700 definitions of key terminology, concepts and commonly used acronyms derived from existing international statistical guidelines and recommendations.This Glossary explains the key elements required to classify corruption as a criminal act, according to three major international conventions.This updated and expanded edition of the 1992 Glossaire de l’économie anglais-français contains some 30 000 terms and expressions, covering a wide range of subject areas: economics, statistics, finance and banking, trade, management, accounting,...This glossary of terms and definitions, which was produced by an ad hoc Task Force on Social Costs, provides a basis for agreement among governments on what classes of social effects require internalisation and where intervention is appropriate.This glossary aims at assisting member countries during the collection of data on transport made by the UNECE, ECMT and Eurostat through the Common Questionnaire.

This five-language glossary of terminology (English, French, German, Russian, Spanish) is intended to assist utility operators and regulators in... Etabli par la Section française de la Division de la traduction de l'OCDE, ce glossaire anglais-français est le fruit du travail quotidien des traducteurs et se veut essentiellement pragmatique. 13-November-2007. This is equivalent with the value of the asset minus the liability to which the asset is subject. In a tax context, the beneficiary is the person entitled to the benefits from trust property or from an insurance policy. Glossary of Industrial Organisation Economics and Competition Law.

This book is presented in both ...This glossary integrates a wealth of policy, legal, management and technical terms that were selected according to one key criterion: each of them had to be used in environmental compliance promotion and enforcement or have significance for this field.With this publication, the WP-EV hopes to facilitate and improve dialogue and understanding among all those who are involved in development activities and their evaluation, whether in partner countries, development agencies and banks, or ...This book provides a quick reference to terms commonly found in the national accounts.Plant life management is becoming an increasingly important topic both in nuclear power plant operations. Plant life management is becoming an increasingly important topic both in nuclear power plant operations. In addition, it includes a glossary of terminology frequently used in discussions of pensions. The Glossary database contains over 7000 definitions derived from existing international statistical guidelines and recommendations. The vast majority of corporate income is taxed at a 35 percent marginal tax rate. 2007 Base de datos de la OCDE para las … This five-language glossary of terminology (English, French, German, Russian, Spanish) is intended to assist utility operators and regulators in...Etabli par la Section française de la Division de la traduction de l'OCDE, ce glossaire anglais-français est le fruit du travail quotidien des traducteurs et se veut essentiellement pragmatique. The OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms is a comprehensive source of definitions relating statistical concepts, variables and acronyms.

© Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error This book provides a quick reference to terms commonly found in the national accounts. 2. Paid-in capital plus retained earnings in a corporation                                                                                                3. The OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms contains a comprehensive set of definitions of the main data items collected by the Organisation.

This book presents classification schemes approved by OECD member country governments for pension plans and pension funds. Taxation of partnerships is addressed in the Commentary to Article 1 of the OECD Model. This Glossary explains the key elements required to classify corruption as a criminal act, according to three major international conventions. Tax; Trade; Coronavirus (COVID-19) Français; OECD Home Public governance Publications & Documents Glossary. This glossary of terms and definitions, which was produced by an ad hoc Task Force on Social Costs, provides a basis for agreement among governments on what classes of social effects require internalisation and where intervention is appropriate. This document lists the principal terms used in combined transport or related to it.