Use this information to find more about police arrest records. Director of Public Prosecutions List of most popular Uk Police terms updated in July 2020 Radio channels are split by geographical area, but UK Police uses a national radio system which means that your personal radio has the ability to tune in to any nearby force area's local channel, and forces further afield if you notify your force in advance. Browse the list of 269 Uk Police abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Please find below useful terms, abbreviations and sets of initials, which you may come across if your voluntary and community sector organisation works closely with the police and criminal justice system, alongside a list of the police hierarchy.To access One East Midlands general VCS jargon buster click A widely used costing system that seeks to place an accurate cost on what an organisation produces. First started by the Lancashire Constabulary in the 1960s. Termsearch – An excellent resource: a trilingual glossary on transnational organised crime, from English to French and to Russian. "Berries and Cherries" refers to the lights on a patrol car. When a police officer refers to "berries and … patrol verb on patrol: observe and protect an area: We always patrol the downtown core on the weekends. Also used in Australia to refer to the Australian Federal Police, and in London as general slang for the Metropolitan Police Service, due to infl… Arizona Public Service A.S.A.P.

Rank Has Its Privileges It influences policy on policing & supports local police authoritiesA performance management framework for policing and community safety which streamlines and align the way performance is measured and assessed across policing, crime and drugsA court order which prohibits the perpetrator from specific anti-social behaviours. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Actual Bodily Harm bail noun: large amount of money that someone pays as a promise to appear in cour: Your husband's bail is posted at $20,000. They have a legal duty to oversee the whole of the police complaints system.IPLDP is a national training programme for  student police officers, designed to be tailored and delivered locally to accommodate the characteristics and specific needs of every force.A combination of agencies that work together to deliver an efficient, effective criminal justice system.Promotes the interests of English and Welsh local authoritiesDesigned as voluntary agreements  between upper-tier local authorities and government. Glossary of common police terms, jargon and acronyms. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Automatic Number Plate Recognition UK Police Slang and Acronyms(a large and growing list of police slang submitted by Police forum members) Legal Jargon Glossary (a large list of legal terms and jargon used by Attorneys) Police Glossary (a large list of police terms and jargon related to arrests) Last edited on 18 July 2020, at 17:26. partner noun: another officer that a policeman drives and works with: I'm going to get you to tell your story to my partner. Cannot find a comprehensive answer.Latest British news from Anglotopia right in your email inbox every TuesdayInterested in advertising on the world's largest website dedicated to all things Britain? I’ve tried to be comprehensive, if there’s a word I left off, please leave it in the comments and I’ll update the list later.Jonathan is a consummate Anglophile with an obsession for Britain that borders on psychosis. Personal Protective Equipment So, I thought it would be fun and useful to put together a list. police that are called in to support or help: We're calling for back-up now that we know she has a gun. Will be responsible for the hiring/firing of Chief Constable and setting of Police budgetLocal body made up of 12 or more people to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime CommissionerA five year strategy for policing and crime reduction activity within a policing area set by the Police and Crime CommissionerThe Directorate aims to maintain standards of excellence in policing and  in initiatives that aim to ensure community safety.Officer who works in designated local areas whose role is to tackle anti-social behaviour, gather intelligence, dealing with quality of life issues & providing public reassurance.Process designed to enhance the contribution that individuals can make to an organisation and to improving the performance of that organisation.The PNB exists to negotiate agreements which it recommends to the Home Secretary relating to the pay and terms of conditions of all UK police officers.National information system available to the police, criminal justice agencies & a variety of other non-policing organisations.PPAF is intended as an effective framework for comparing performance in policing in a way that provides a firm basis for effective performance management at Force, Authority and Central Government level.A cross-government crime reduction strategy that aims to catch & convict offenders, rehabilitate & resettle offenders, & to undertake preventative action.The Board aims to make a real and lasting improvement to the wellbeing of people in the country by joining together to improve public services across Warwickshire.