Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Stage 3A colon cancer: Cancer has moved to the middle layers of the colon wall and has affected three lymph nodes. The original tumor can be of any size and lymph nodes may or may not be involved, but if the cancer has spread to one different organ it is considered Stage IV colorectal cancer can be defined by any T or N category, with the only difference stemming from whether the M1 or M2 assignment is more appropriate.In both forms of stage IV colorectal cancer, the tumor can be of any size (T), and lymph nodes may or may not be involved (N). Stage 3 colon cancer as described by the American Cancer Society is broken down into three sub-stages. These assignments are based on the structure of the colon, as well as how far the cancer has grown through the layers of the colon wall.This is the earliest form of colon cancer and means it has not grown beyond the mucosa, or the innermost layer of the colon.Stage 1 colon cancer indicates the cancer has grown into the inner layer of the colon, called the mucosa, to the next layer of the colon, called the submucosa. Talk about your options with your doctor, and together you can decide which tests are appropriate for you.You can take steps to reduce your risk of colon cancer by making changes in your everyday life. Stage 2 colon cancer is classified further as stage 2A, 2B, or 2C.Stage 3 colon cancer is classified as stage 3A, 3B, and 3C as follows:Stage 4 colon cancer is classified into two categories, stage 4A and 4B:In addition to staging, colon cancer is also classified as either low-grade or high-grade. It has not spread to the lymph nodes.In stage 2 colon cancer, the disease is a little more advanced than stage 1 and has grown beyond the mucosa and the submucosa of the colon. All rights reserved. Stage 3 colon cancer is classified as stage 3A, 3B, and 3C as follows: 3A stage. Stage 3 colon cancer as described by the American Cancer Society is broken down into three sub-stages Colon cancer that has reached stage 3 will likely induce symptoms that you can detect. Stage III colon cancer is divided into stages IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. Stage III. Stage III Cancer has spread from the innermost layer, the mucosa, through the adjacent layers of the wall (submucosa and the muscle layer) and into nearby lymph nodes (small organs that are part of the immune system).
Stage IIIB: The cancer has grown through the bowel wall or to surrounding organs and into 1 to 3 lymph nodes or to a nodule of tumor in tissues around the colon or rectum that do not appear to be lymph nodes. The tumor has grown to or through the muscular layers of the colon and is found in nearby lymph nodes.

But people with an increased risk, such as those with a family history of colon cancer, should consider screening sooner.Several screening options exist — each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. This includes pain in the lower abdomen area, cramps, difficult bowel movements, nausea and extreme fatigue. Your doctor may recommend more frequent or earlier screening if you have other risk factors, such as a family history of the disease.Doctors aren't certain what causes most colon cancers.In general, colon cancer begins when healthy cells in the colon develop changes (mutations) in their DNA. There isn't enough evidence to recommend these medications to people who have an average risk of colon cancer.If you have an increased risk of colon cancer, discuss your risk factors with your doctor to determine whether preventive medications are safe for you.Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. To determine life expectancy for those with cancer is even more difficult, as tumors from person to person are different. Treating stage III rectal cancer. Stage … Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission.Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. Taking aspirin daily has some risks, including gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers.These options are generally reserved for people with a high risk of colon cancer. The colon is part of the large intestine which also includes the rectum and the appendix.

The intestinal wall has several layers, including the mucosa (inner lining), submucosa, several layers of muscle and the serosa (outer layer). In general, the lower the number, the less the cancer has spread. The letter X means the information could not be assessed.Once the T, N and M scores have been assigned, one of these overall stages is determined:Stage IV colorectal cancer is further divided into two categories, depending on whether or not the metastasis has affected more than one organ.
It’s important to understand that many factors will affect your outlook, including how well you respond to treatment, your age, your cancer grade, and your overall health at the time of diagnosis.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Using this colorectal cancer staging system, a higher number indicates increasing severity. Colon cancer can occur in any part of the colon. When symptoms appear, they'll likely vary, depending on the cancer's size and location in your large intestine.If you notice any persistent symptoms that worry you, make an appointment with your doctor.Talk with your doctor about when to begin colon cancer screening. The colon is part of the large intestine which also includes the rectum and the appendix. A stage III colon cancer has about a 40 percent chance of cure and a patient with a stage IV tumor has only a 10 percent chance of a cure. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Colon cancer is sometimes called colorectal cancer, which is a term that combines colon cancer and rectal cancer, which begins in the rectum. There are five stages of colon cancer, starting at zero and going up to four. Stage 3a is when the cancer has grown into the submucosa of the lining and has spread to up to 3 lymph nodes. M1a indicates that the cancer has spread to just one organ, while M1b would mean that more than one organ has been affected.Make a difference in the fight against cancer by donating to cancer researchGateway for Cancer Research is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. © 1998-2020 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER).