When they reach 4 years old, males are finally prepared to fight for mates and establish a harem. Foals weigh about 32 kg when born and are well developed at birth, able to follow the mother back to the herd within a couple of hours. Both mountain zebras and Grevy's zebras lack stripes on their bellies. The patterns of their stripes differ from other species of zebras. If their mothers have another foal, they will leave earlier around the age of 1 years old but most males leave by the age of 2 years old. 2005. Both Burchell’s zebras are polygynous; one male stallion leads and mates with a harem of females. Foals start to eat grass when they are only one week old.

Zebras also use the striped patterns of their skin to distract predators; when being attacked, they all stick together and their skin patterns (zebra stripes) will confuse the predator. Relationships between harems are relatively cordial and males have a ritual greeting. Eventually, one may try to “abduct” her from her natal group, but the dominant stallion, her father, tries to protect her and prevent her from leaving.

National Geographic Magazine. The dominant female preserves the rank order by leading the group in single file movements, in which mares line up according to age correlated rank. Not all stripes are distinctly black and white. There are three species of zebra – the Grevy’s zebra, Burchell’s zebra and mountain zebra.

Whereas other grazing herbivores such as Burchell's zebras are social, living in permanent family groups composed of one male stallion, 1 to 6 females, and their young. Vegetation is made up mostly of grasses, the height and species diversity of which depend largely on the amount of moisture available. They travel up to 13 kilometers daily between resting areas in tall grasslands and grazing areas in short grassland areas.

Main periods of feeding are in the early mornings and late afternoons when it is cooler. Young reach independence after 1 to 3 years, when they leave their natal groups. These females take particular stances with their heads up, swan-like, legs straddled and tails up. Mares protect their young foal, while stallions defend their harem with powerful kicks, pushes, and by biting at predators. They weigh between 500 to 700 pounds.Damara zebras are described as being striped on the head, the neck, and the flanks, and sparsely down the upper segments of the limbs then fading to white.Like most plains zebras, Burchells live in small family groups.

Weaning is complete after 7 to 11 months but females may lactate up to 16 months.

In certain countries in Africa where other sources of income are unstable, ecotourism can provide a substantial contribution to the overall economy.

Their striped black and white body patterns are also anti-predatory adaptations, providing camouflage during the nighttime and under dim light.

When they meet, males keep their ears standing up and sniff each others' bodies, especially their necks, nostrils, flanks, and tails. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan An estrous occurs 7 to 9 days postpartum and 50% of females become pregnant again during this time. Each mare gives birth to only one foal after a gestation period of a little over one year. 2003. The Burchell's Zebra is the most common across the African continent and has been classified into seven sub-species across its range. The Animal Diversity Web team is excited to announce ADW Pocket Guides!To cite this page: Bachelor groups can have up to 16 members, but are generally composed of only a few males. Within the species, geographical variation in the pattern of stripes exists.

These neck stripes continue in the mane which is short and sticks straight up. The mountain zebra subspecies, Hartmann’s zebra, like the Cape mountain zebra of South Africa, has solid stripes while Burchell’s zebra, seen in abundance on the grasslands of Etosha National Park, has additional faint stripes superimposed on the white and referred to as shadow stripes.

Each zebra has unique stripes that can be used as an identification character to distinguish between individuals – similar to fingerprints in humans. If this occurs, females are investing in two offspring simultaneously. When chased, individuals reach speeds up to 55 miles per hour.

Furthermore, as part of the native ungulate fauna of east Africa, they are critical in influencing vegetation dynamics, on which human cattle and other domestics rely. April 09, 2009 The herd size ranges from 50 up to 80 animals, though larger groups do occur in larger conservation areas. Four main theories have been purposed to explain the evolution of zebra stripes. Savannas are grasslands with scattered individual trees that do not form a closed canopy. The possible fitness benefits of striped coat coloration for zebra. Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes).makes seasonal movements between breeding and wintering groundshaving the capacity to move from one place to another.the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a femaleassociates with others of its species; forms social groups.the region of the earth that surrounds the equator, from 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south.A terrestrial biome.

Bachelor groups can have up to 16 members, but are generally composed of only a few males. Young males in bachelor groups play and engage in mock fights, preparing for future fights when they begin searching for available mates and starting their own harems.

Accessed Burchell’s zebra is a migratory species; their movements are largely determined by the availability of food, water and newly burnt areas.Zebras are grazers and are capable of grazing grass shoots at ground level. Within 10 or 15 minutes the foal can stand on its own feet and within an hour it is walking around and even running. Fischhoff, I., S. Sundaresan, J. Cordingley, H. Larkin, M. Sellier, D. Rubenstein. One theory for this difference from adults suggests that zebras more easily recognize “dusty” individuals as zebras.