We saw a couple of luwak (civet cats) run across the track. Kemudian dilanjutkan sampai nanti bertemu dengan DSE factory Outlet.

Out jumped a goblin to inform that the trail was closed and I couldn’t climb it. He asks for more.
Indeed the great Gunung debate: what is harder….the climb, or descent? If you don’t want to do this, just as you reach the start of the metal bars and rope, there is a path in a deep gully that curves off to the left of the trail. Di Pos Mabes … I just climbed Gunung Kerenceng with my guide Mang Acong. Up and back in a day. Also seen in 2 (two) last week have some climbing accident (lost and sick) that occur in National Parks of Mount Gede Pangrango (TNGGP). Pendakian Gunung Gede Pangrango via jalur Cibodas adalah jalur utama dan paling favorit bagi para pendaki. He sods off. The first part of the trail leads to all points up: waterfall, summit of Gunung Gede, and summit of Gunung Pangrango. But, who am I to question a local person’s logic, or lack of?

All rights reserved. Wonderful hike 4.5 hrs up 3.5 down. its at least 2900m++ – doesn’t that merit its own entry?Hi Paul, Gede is considered ‘part’ of Pangrango, as Pangrango is higher and Gede is not separate enough in terms of prominence. Very common but what a beautiful dark blue colour.The traffic was hell as usual beyond Bogor, with two lanes trying to get into one lane. It is approximately a 3 hour round trip to climb Pangrango from Kandang Badak. I have to say it was great approaching Pancar from the east because it meant I didn’t have to argue with the ticket folk at the entrance booth over whether I should pay the local or foreign rate (something that sours nearly ever trip in Indonesia for us foreigners who live here and pay taxes here). Best time would be rainy season, after the rain has stopped.So I got an ojek to Gunung Pancar. Similar price to the official Taman Nasional guides. Yang paling terasa bedanya adalah cuaca yang cenderung lebih lembab, dan entah kenapa bikin lebih terasa Kami pergi mendaki via Cibodas. Gara- gara ini, aku bisa …

It makes a great trip if you don’t mind driving that little bit further round to Sukabumi and also if you enjoy a bit more solitude.The trail leads via Cigeber (1,798m) and Cileutik (2,380m) before reaching the south-west edge of Surya Kencana.

On the peak I decided to descend to cipanas, thanks to the map someone provided.

Dan on I refuse. Poor visibility. He pointed at a small group of students who had also arrived wanting to climb but were either encouraged not to or outright denied entry. Not a bad day out from Jakarta, but obviously nowhere near as fantastic as the larger ones, or even Parang and Bongkok (which are stunning, and are bit further away from Jakarta’s disgustingly polluted skies).Just back from a mission up Pangrango for the national holiday (11 Sept, 2018). As agreed I paid the ojek guy Rp100,000 for this – a pretty fair deal, especially considering the fuel would be less than Rp20,000. Indonesia is the only country that I have ever been charges foreigners such ridiculous proportion.Climbed Gede yesterday. On the other side of the meadow is the forested Gunung Gumuruh, at 2,927m the third highest peak in the area.From Surya Kencana you can follow the long, significantly eroded trail round to Gunung Putri village (1,553m) and take an ojek (motorbike taxi) back to Cibodas.

Watch Queue Queue. It is only 50 km drive from Indonesia’s capital city Jakarta, and is one of the most popular destinations in “The Puncak”, which is the area between Cisarua and Cibodas.