I wish that I can do better as a girlfriend to not nitpick on things and I wish that he can show a bit more that he cares and not just get mad at me for things I say and call me mean names. She has been in professional ministry for over 15 years. Be our shelter in the midst of the storm. I'm sorry for the things I've done wrong. AMENLORD, I’M WORRIED THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME AND THAT I’M ALL FORGOTTEN. Father, I know that this is not how You ordained marriage to be in the beginning but I feel so unloved, unwanted and isolated that my heart is breaking and I just long to have a normal relationship with my spouse, whom I love dearly, but who seems so distant and far removed from me.Loving Father, for the first time in my life I myself am really feeling lonely and it is a hard thing to face. AMEN.GOD, I MISS MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. AMEN.May these prayers uplift you and help you feel the comfort of God. I am very very lonely and I cry a lot. I AM NEVER ALONE BECAUSE I HAVE YOU. Help us Lord, don't let us stay away from each other. This I ask in Jesus' name,How I thank You Heavenly Father, that You are there all the time and have promised never to leave me nor to forsake me. IT SEEMS LIKE THERE IS NO ONE WHO CAN BE CLOSE TO ME, RIGHT NOW AND THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT. I ask that many would find their comfort and succour in You, Who came to earth to carry our burdens, heal our brokenness, and set us free from life’s bondage. AMEN.Jesus, I pray that you can be enough for me during this time of loneliness.
Be gracious to each hurting soul I pray. SURROUND ME WITH YOUR LOVE AND GOODNESS. Little wonder psychologist defines depression as a wrong state of mind that causes an individual to … I know relationship has it's tough obstacles and I only hope that we can deal with it better together and that we get through it as a team, because I know there may be one day that we may go through more tougher times than this.

I am from a faraway country. Pls pray that God should take away this loneliness because it is becoming very difficult. Turn Your loving-kindness towards me at this time I pray, comfort my hurting soul and renew a right spirit within me. Sometimes it is harder when others are around me, especially whey they have the companionship of a spouse or a close friend. PLEASE COME TO STRENGTHEN ME GOD IN THIS TIME OF NEED. LORD, IT’S HARD TO STAY MOTIVATED WHEN I FEEL SO LONELY.

Prayers For Healing Loneliness I come to You Heavenly Father, in a time of great loneliness and pain, and pray for Your healing touch upon my life and the sufficient grace to face each day. Amen.HELP ME TO NOT BE AFRAID OF BEING CLOSE TO OTHERS. It just feels like today is the day when I needed him the most, but he isn't here. What a great comfort it is to know that no matter where I am or what I am doing, I can call upon You, day or night, knowing that Your ears are ever open to my cries for help.Loving Lord, I feel so lonely at times, so very alone, though I am often surrounded by crowds of people, but I also realise that the more I concentrate on my loneliness, the more alone I feel. I wish that he was here, I wish that we can be happy again. I wish that he really does care for me because right now I feel like he doesn't. AMENGOD, PLEASE COME AND FILL MY HEART WITH YOUR PRESENCE. I CAN REMEMBER A TIME WHEN THERE WAS SO MUCH JOY AND COMPANIONSHIP, BUT THAT SEEMS SO FAR AWAY NOW. I ask you, oh God, to be all the things in my life that I depended on others for before. He will see you through this hard time and bring you through the other side, keep your eyes on Him and you can never go wrong!Spiritually Hungry is a Christian website developed to encourage and guide you into a closer relationship with God by focusing on breaking down barriers to a deeper spiritual life.Alexis has a Master's degree from Denver Seminary and a Bachelor's degree from Colorado Christian University. © Copyright [2011 - 2020] Dear Lord, You created us male and female and designed us as relational beings, to live together in a marriage partnership, and yet we know that there are many who discover themselves to be lonely and often unloved or even rejected in their marriages.Loving Lord, my heart is breaking as I feel so very lonely and alone in my marriage. Today we shall be looking at prayers to say in times of loneliness and depression. This prayers will rebuke the spirit of depression and loneliness in your life. Prayer for Those Who Struggle With Loneliness Written by Laura Durant Published on April 11, 2020 in All Prayers, Anxiety & Depression, Free Resources The following prayer is for anyone who struggles from loneliness due to isolation or even those who experience loneliness in the midst of others around them. I need you, God, to become bigger in my eyes when there are fewer around me. As I kneel before You, I should speak words to express the anguish in my heart, but my anguish spills out freely through my tears. I feel sorry for myself and become depressed and down, and I know that this is not the way that You created us to be.I come to You Heavenly Father, in a time of great loneliness and pain, and pray for Your healing touch upon my life and the sufficient grace to face each day.Loving Lord, You called those that are lonely and burdened to come to You, rest in You and to put the difficulties, hardships and responsibilities of life onto Your shoulders, for You have promised to gently lead us and to carry us in Your loving arms, and to be with us no matter who else may leave us or hurt us or betray us. Lord, I need and we need your help to build this relationship into something more and better and stronger. GOD, HELP ME TO FIND THE STRENGTH TO ENDURE THIS PERIOD OF LIFE WHEN I CAN’T BE WITH THE ONES I LOVE. AMEN.JESUS, I PRAY FOR NEW FRIENDS. Dear Lord, I need you, God, to become bigger in my eyes when there are fewer around me. I ask for Your comfort and peace, especially during those moments of intense loneliness when I … Amen