Starbrand At first Ken says no, thinking of all the real world problems with such superheroic actions, but when the boy gets worse, he changes his mind. It was the reason why Dormammu managed to beat Eternity too.The power buff she received after the said axis was shifted should be regarded separate from the star brands powers.Besides she doesn't really fight anyone in the said series.The infinity gauntlet on the other hand was fleshed out.Even in the recent series by Jonathan Hickman we see a star brand within the council of Reed. When he comes back, he casually intervenes in the Soviet-Afghan war, destroying some fighter jets. The Star Brand can pretty much use his imagination to expand his abilities. He was located by the NightMask and Starbrand arrive on Mars and NightMask tells Kevin that they came to Mars to see his father...Ex Nihilo. You can search for Vnn (Starbrand of 1,000,000 BC) Prime Marvel Universe . She was a big enough threat because of what she did, shifted the cosmic axis, which was what brought the intervention from Living Tribunal.I use term all classic Starbrand feats in the OP as the power of the all users beside I couldn't find a picture of Erskingal.Living Tribunal stated that batting Erskingal would be worse destruction than her damaging the cosmic axis.You have to understand the shifting of cosmic axis affects all abstracts. He flies off to Laguna and sleeps with some random woman, then decides to propose to Barb. Ken has a hard time returning to Earth--how can he tell one distant star from another?

He usually wants to use his power, but almost always does it without thinking through the consequences. However, it is a paranormal American ex-soldier named He takes a trip to Europe to visit an old friend from elementary school, Tony, who is now a professional skiier. Ken is taken to the sheriffs department where the sheriff (and Madeline’s father) attempts to shoot him. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll

Kenneth Connell Even Ken thinks that's crazy.

Myron refers him to some experimental dream therapists. Kevin is put into a holding cell in Iron Man's Sol's Hammer until he is able to gain control over his powers.The Star Brand of this universe uses music to channel his powers and unite the people of his world.The only details given about the Star Brand bearer from Earth-886 is that it is a female who protects her world from powerful evil forces and is an "idol to billions. She freaks out and basically says she'll kill herself if she can't see him any more, so he agrees to keep coming over. The Old Man is so stunned by this response that Ken manages to punch him out of Duck's hospital. They fight, and Ken seemingly kills him. He continues to work at an autobody shop, McMullen and Zayre.He gets into various situations, trying to figure out what the Brand can do, and what he should do with it. When a strange anomaly affected the Superflow of Earth-616, he was given the power of the Star Brand during the White Event; his transformation caused him to annihilate the whole college. He incinerates the dump with one of his nuclear-level star blasts. Fantastic Four #1; Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance) ... (Starbrand of New Kree-Lar) Prime Marvel Universe . Starchild NightMask then tells Kevin that they just broke the world, that they had destroyed a living consciousness that Ex Nihilo had sent to help aid the Earth. ~ Starbrand: Summary. Unfortunately the boy eventually dies, and Ken is tortured by bad dreams about him. After a date, Ken and his girlfriend, Madeline Felix (which is Duck's full name), fall asleep on a hillside. After a long fought battle Star Brand gives in and says he will turn himself into the Avengers. He also was able to sense Arden's ship when she was out of phase with normal reality, and thus invisible to most people.The Star Brand also grants its owner immortality and healing from any injury or any type of death. She says yes, so he goes over to Duck's to tell her he has to stop seeing her. Ken is then shot at by the other officers on the scene who are terrified and surprised to see such power. He actually loses, despite being much more powerful than them, because he loses his concentration, and when that happens, he loses his powers.There are more personal confusions. They fight, and Ken beats him, but kills everyone else at the convention as well. But in the process of acquiring the Brand, which a normal White Event would have never given him, he became the only person to survive the destruction of the college he was attending at the time. Myron finally convinces him to stop pussyfooting around and own his powers and responsibility, convincing him that he's been living a shallow life and ducking out on his true potential for years, even before getting the Star Brand. That night the event known as The White Event took place, leaving the Star Brand symbol scorched onto the hillside.Ken awakens to find Madeline lifeless and burned without recognition. His durability makes him capable of surviving a nuclear bomb at ground zero with no effects, or to survive the blasts from a rival Star Brand user.

Duck, on the other hand, will do anything he wants, but her obsessive willingness to please and lack of self-esteem is almost too much for him. He goes to the dark side, then destroys a mountain with his energy blast. However, the Brand can't be transferred to inanimate objects (as also seen when the Old Man tried to transfer the Brand to an asteroid), and it explodes in a horrendous blast, destroying all of Pittsburgh. The said Reed couldn't do anything to the celestial. He meets a young boy with a terminal illness. The only time living tribunal actually acknowledges her is after the said cosmic axis shift.Kevin from 616 didn't kill the original beyonders though. All Comics Essential Reading. Kevin Connor His strength is seemingly unlimited. Star Brand "The Star Brand from this universe was a variant on Ken Connell and is involved in an They go off into space and fight. The powers stopped the bullet and reversed it. Even considering the said story, Living Tribunal merely acknowledges her as a peer to the abstract. Kevin Kale Connor was a no-name, constantly ignored college student until he was inadvertently granted the incredible power of the Star Brand by the Superflow of Earth-616.