Net cost of transport reaches a minimum at about 1.05 m/s (3.8 km/h; 2.3 mph).

That is health care discrimination (otherwise known as "rationing").Scott, You are absolutely correct.

Your speed is determined, in part, by your fitness level. Old people notoriously drive slow which annoys other drivers... and a 93 year old driving fast scares the heck out of me.I find my gait can change with weather and prior exertion; getting to 64 I thought this change normal.I too will pick up the pace yet avoid slipping or tripping and falling due to uneven pavement, dog feces, icy slush and stuff humans throw in the streets.Interesting that they call out the horrifying ramifications of such studies, though somewhat sugar-coated. Increasing the walking distance by roughly a mile will produce health benefits. Then gradually pick up speed until you're walking briskly — generally about 3 to 4 miles an hour. This includes improving your posture, stride, and arm motion.

Another indicator of her longevity is that her father lived to 103!my FIL is the slowest walker I have ever seen, and always has been. Lets focus on treating real diseases instead of measuring the walk times of a bunch of senior citizens. This type of exercise gets your heart rate going, makes you breathe harder and faster, and supports healthy blood flow.

Benefits of Walking for Seniors. Most people who read newspapers and sites like this are lay people who may have no knowledge of the topic.

I walk on my property after getting out of the bed for 45-50 Minutes and cover about 2 miles. But even if this report is totally bogus, think of how many older folks (my mother definitely will) will pick up their gait after reading this. Gait speed was analyzed over a fixed distance with participants walking at a usual pace beginning from a standstill, and survival rates noted for up to 21 years. To finish this.. My late father's several uncles lived to be 105, 103, 98 end etc. All rights reserved. A 70-year-old man who walks at 2.5 mi/hr would expected to live an average of eight years longer than if he walks at 1 mi/hr; for a woman, that difference is about 10 years. To say you've done one doesn't indicate that you're fast it just indicates that at one point you had the endurance to go a marathon distance at some unspecified, likely moderate, speed.You know you're getting old when you start saying ... " I remember when..." My father will be immortal – he's 93, 5'4" and walks fast enough that my 10 year old son is happy to go places with him......My grandmother is about to turn 96 and the only thing that slows down her walking pace is her asthma that she's had all her life. Walking at a brisk pace is a moderate-intensity cardio exercise.

You can also look to see if there are any walking groups in your community. I think this article is pretty close to true.Anyone can "run" a marathon. Whether you are walking for fitness or weight loss, you should walk fast enough to achieve moderate intensity in your workout. In order for it to be considered a brisk pace, you need to raise your heart and breathing rate. The couple below demonstrates exactly what seniors’ hands should be doing on a treadmill. Participants lived in the community - not in nursing homes or other institutions - at the time of the research and included members of both sexes and various ethnic groups.

"Seniors can decide if medical tests are worth their while." You should be breathing hard, but you should still be able to carry on a conversation.

Perhaps, they are the real gods!my husband, 88,is running on the street. One major point the research serves is to reinforce the role many body systems, including cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, are nervous play in overall health. This table shows the difference in walking speed by sex and age:Walking at a brisk pace means you’ll be walking faster than you would normally. A walking speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour is typical for most people. When I am finished I have no breathing problems, I experience no dizziness or any joint pain, just crave for breakfast and a cup of coffee after the hot shower ending it with a cold finale. You need to look at the underlying reasons for a person's life expectancy. In warmer days, I walk 3 to 3.5 miles but it takes 1.5 hours.I am 86 and I walk my dog at 7:30 every day..I am a brisk walker and my daughters can not keep up with me...I have always walked briskly and at work people would say.."I knew you ere coming by your fast walk"..I wonder if one walks slower in cold weather than warm weather?..Today it was 33 degrees and I felt I was going slowerMy husband had bicuspid valve replaced 2 years ago he feels pretty good he decided last week to resume walking BUT he decided he’d go full blast out of the gate walking 1-8 mi in 30 min. Start at a pace that's comfortable for you. No one is going to decide about screening for cancer based on walking time.

that are contributing this finding. Studenski notes that while walking speed shows a definite correlation with projected lifespan, it is by no means the only contributing factor or predictor. This translates into walking distances of 1 and 4-1/2 miles respectively. For every 0.1 meters per second faster one covers ground, his or her chances of dying in the next ten years decreased by 12%.Dr.