“These workouts do get people stronger if they just focus Now, if the first four layers of the cake are made of mud, poo, snot, and sawdust respectively, is that cherry going to make a difference to the taste? For Time Regardless of your chosen sport or profession, the process is the road map designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be.Guess what? Without these traits, it’s impossible to follow a championship process, which is why character is the first thing Ben focuses on: better people make better athletes. In order to maximize ability, Ben helps athletes follow a detailed process.Process is about defining the controllables that can make you a better performer and maximize your capabilities on a moment-to-moment basis. How do you train to come out on top?When preparing athletes for the CrossFit Games, Ben follows a hierarchy of development outlined in the pyramid below.Strategy is how you approach your competitive event. https://wodwell.com/wods/subscribe/ Since then, CrossFit New England’s programming makes met-cons the star of the show. Katrin Davidsdottir. The Bergeron Pyramid Most athletes and coaches are concerned with working on their ability (Strength conditioning and practice) and then execution / strategy (a game plan). Every competitor at the top is physically and mentally formidable. WODwell Committing to a process requires a unique set of character traits—things like grit, resilience, accountability, confidence, optimism, perseverance, humility, and passion. We really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Want to know when we make major updates? The process isn’t about championships or gold medals. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: Strategy Strategy is how you approach your competitive event. 5 Rounds for Time What books, high achievers, and game films would you study? Close your eyes, and imagine the pyramid above is one huge, layer cake and the little red blur at the top is a cherry. If it were as simple as just writing it down and putting it on the fridge, everyone would be a champion. Fuji Kitayama, Japan Burj Khalifa

It’s when to play zone vs. man-to-man, it’s how to pace, it’s when to attack, it’s when to take risks vs. when to play it safe.Ability is your endurance, strength, stamina, flexibility, speed, power, accuracy, agility, balance, and coordination.Ben’s approach starts at a more foundational level. What are the exact quantities and ratios of nutrients that you would consume to fuel yourself? Niagara Falls Rome, Italy London, England nice Ontario, Canada Statue Of Liberty Ellis Island, New York Great Wall China Parthenon DMZ Border of NK and Sk Giza, Egypt Bay Lake, Florida Downtown Dubai Big Ben Roman Collessium Athens, Greece Mt. In this episode: We’re talking about some of the ways you can set yourself up for nutritional success at home, at the office, and when you go out to eat. For Time (with a Partner) At the highest levels, everyone is the best. Your feedback has been received. Everyone has areas where they shine a little brighter or struggle a bit more; but on the whole, the differences in physical ability are negligible. with a commitment bordering on obsession. Already a subscriber? Share

It’s about committing to the next actionable step as perfectly as possible.Think of it this way: If you were a robot, and things like sleep, stress, relationships, social life, desires and temptations were not a factor, how would you program yourself to be a champion in your field? Following a process at that level is really hard.We’re not robots; we’re humans. 4 Rounds for Time

We know a few athletes who are looking for the right coach. "Assault Lift Pyramid" is one of the challenge workouts by Assault Fitness Bergeron’s pyramid includes these (at the tip of the pyramid) but underneath is where he believes he adds value. Jeremy & Lisa How can you become better than the best?If you’re an elite athlete, it’s a question you spend a lot of time considering. In 2016, four-time CrossFit Games veteran Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir did what only two other athletes have done in the history of the CrossFit Games: win the CrossFit Games twice (Annie Thorisdottir won the Games in 2011 and 2012, and Rich Froning held the men’s title from 2011-2014). How much time would you spend on training? During the conditioning period, athletes began to see their lifts increase more so than when they exclusively focused on strength, Bergeron noted. So, what are the separators? When preparing athletes for the CrossFit Games, Ben follows a hierarchy of development outlined in the pyramid below. which sit just above nutrition in Glassman’s pyramid. How would you recover? by Ben Bergeron For Time 3 Rounds of: 15 Power Cleans (135/95 lb) 20 Push-Ups Then, 2 Rounds of: 27/21 calorie Row 75 Double-Unders Finally, 1 Round of: 50/35 calorie Assault Bike