The clearance can also specify a Here is an example of an IFR clearance for a Cessna aircraft traveling from Palo Alto airport (KPAO) to Stockton airport (KSCK). Thus, cloud ceiling and flight visibility are the most important variables for safe operations during all phases of flight.Any aircraft operating under VFR must have the required equipment on board, as described in FAR Part 91.205Visual flight rules are generally simpler than instrument flight rules, and require significantly less training and practice. In the United States, instruments required for IFR flight in addition to those that are required for VFR flight are: Federal Aviation Regulations Title 14, Chapter I, Subchapter E, US Code of Federal Regulations, 14 CFR 61.57(c) and (d) These procedures specify how an IFR pilot should respond, even in the event of a complete radio failure, and loss of communications with ATC, including the expected aircraft course and altitude.Departures are described in an IFR clearance issued by ATC prior to takeoff. Compared to the rest of the world, the UK's flight crew licensing regime is somewhat unusual in its licensing for meteorological conditions and airspace, rather than flight rules.The aircraft must be equipped and type-certified for instrument flight, and the related navigational equipment must have been inspected or tested within a specific period of time prior to the instrument flight. Since the radar information used for Pilots should check radar services at the airport they desire to land in order to determine if radar approaches are available. IFR permits an aircraft to operate in Instrument pilots must meticulously evaluate weather, create a detailed flight plan based around specific instrument departure, en route, and arrival procedures, and dispatch the flight.The distance by which an aircraft avoids obstacles or other aircraft is termed In uncontrolled airspace, ATC clearances are unavailable. Make your Flight Plan at Weather data is always current, as … IFR flight depends upon flying by reference to instruments in the flight deck, and navigation is accomplished by reference t This is to permit the GPS to cycle the CDI sensitivity from terminal to approach and to adjust the required integrity settings. However, it is safe to fly VFR only when these outside references can be clearly seen from a sufficient distance; when flying through or above clouds, or in fog, rain, dust or similar low-level weather conditions, these references can be obscured. This is one in which a controller provides highly accurate navigational guidance in VFR provides a great degree of freedom, allowing pilots to go where they want, when they want, and allows them a much wider latitude in determining how they get there.When operation of an aircraft under VFR is not safe, because the visual cues outside the aircraft are obscured by weather, instrument flight rules must be used instead. However, there are still minimum weather conditions that must be present in order for the aircraft to take off or to land; these vary according to the kind of operation, the type of navigation aids available, the location and height of terrain and obstructions in the vicinity of the airport, equipment on the aircraft, and the qualifications of the crew. While current and forecast weather may be a factor in deciding which type of flight plan to file, weather conditions themselves do not affect one's filed flight plan. The gate will be established along the final approach course 1 nautical mile from the final approach fix on the side away from the airport and will be no closer than 5 miles from the landing threshold. Anytime a flight is operating in VMC and in a volume of airspace in which VFR traffic can operate, the crew is responsible for seeing and avoiding VFR traffic; however, because the flight is conducted under Instrument Flight Rules, ATC still provides separation services from other IFR traffic, and can in many cases also advise the crew of the location of VFR traffic near the flight path.Although dangerous and illegal, a certain amount of VFR flying is conducted in IMC. A significant amount of IFR flying is conducted in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC).

This is one in which a controller, in ASR, provides navigational guidance in azimuth only. The pilot is furnished headings to fly to align the aircraft with the extended centerline of the landing runway.

Instrument flight rules is one of two sets of regulations governing all aspects of civil aviation aircraft operations; the other is visual flight rules.