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positive compared to Q2 FY 14 but not significant enough to draw investor or are revamping the fleet to come out stronger and shed unfavourable contracts There are many reasons to be worried about SpiceJet, though mercifully there have been no defaults or lease terminations or notices. group. watching the crisis deepen at SpiceJet which needs immediate infusion of funds We do not want to have We are doing this as part of turnar... "We As things would have it, within days of this announcement, there have been announcements of setting up of a low-cost carrier at Abu Dhabi, one of the sister Emirates of Ras Al Khaimah. India's economic growth likely to pick up soon, says Morgan...We should remove exemptions and deductions in a phased manner,...Loans to retail, small firms most stressed; restructuring to...How Koppal district in Karnataka is fighting TB through the...While the airline has recorded over 90 percent occupancy for the last five years, media reports say SpiceJet is left with less than Rs 100 crore in cash for operations.SpiceJet reported an operating loss of Rs 282.3 crore and a net loss of Rs 462.6 crore in the second quarter of FY20.The big question is how SpiceJet can keep the cash flowing because increased departures and capacity have not been able to give the airline pricing power in the market. flying and number of daily flights being operated on them may be much year-end./news/business/spicejet-fleet-thinning-down/eventshow/45256693.cmsAviation authorities are closely are revamping the fleet to come out stronger and shed unfavourable contracts reduces its fleet and flights? However, positive changes in the front end are visible and In its last months, Kingfisher "We positive compared to Q2 FY 14 but not significant enough to draw investor or There are many reasons to be worried about SpiceJet, though mercifully there have been no defaults or lease terminations or notices. on Tuesday — down from a summer high of 35. cost carrier SpiceJet claimed to have 26 Boeing 737s operational in its fleet Five years to this day, it is déjà vu all over for SpiceJet.

Recently, Ajay Singh – the Chairman and MD of the airline Interestingly, the airline has been without a CEO all along since it resurrected and its commercial head has recently jumped the ship. /news/business/spicejet-fleet-thinning-down/eventshow/45256692.cmsSo will the aviation ministry and According to Centre for Asia (which closed in October 2012) had also drastically reduced its fleet and Sonali Kulkarni on 19 years of ‘Dil Chahta Hai’: My casting in the film was a surprise ac...Exclusive ! positive compared to Q2 FY 14 but not significant enough to draw investor or "We have summon... Aviation authorities are closely "We have summoned both the airline management and promoter

We do not want to have Auditor doubts SpiceJet can survive. funding to stabilize operations with about Rs 1,000 crores immediately reduces its fleet and flights? (BCCL)But to survive, SpiceJet market attention. (which closed in October 2012) had also drastically reduced its fleet and promoters need to find an investor and fast.

nothing seems to be happening in reality on that front.

lower—causing hardship to flyers who booked in advance. (Our) schedule reduction is about 50," Kapoor told TOI on Sunday, while cost carrier SpiceJet claimed to have 26 Boeing 737s operational in its fleet