They Before Boom Capital, Schnugg spent four years at Eric Schmidt's fund, Innovation Endeavors, and was an associate at Apple.Since his fund's debut, Morris remains an operator first and an investor second. Having to field constant questions over bad news is so so hard," says Valleywag's Sam Biddle.She just landed at online advertising company OpenX where she'll continue her PR career.Prior to Fab, Roth worked for Pandora. Fast and easy to work with," says Business Insider editor Julie Bort.Before joining Facebook, he worked at PR agency Cutline Communications, working with companies like Google, LinkedIn, SlideShare, Meebo, and Break Media.John Earnhardt runs Cisco's PR and has been with the company for 15 years, from its pre-internet-bubble glory days, though its rise as a huge $48 billion IT company today.During that time, Earnhardt has fielded good news and bad news (like "He's one hard-working PR guy. )Jackie Vettorino works for PR agency FleishmanHillard but she's the face of AT&T for many a reporter.She particularly earned raves from product reviewers, helping them test everything from new phones to internet cars and homes.She also handles other corporate communications for AT&T going out of her way to get back to reporters on deadline, nights or weekends.In her spare time, she does pro-bono work for tech startups and runs an independent music blog, Pete Wootton is senior vice president at Waggner Edstrom specializing in Microsoft's corporate news.To translate, that means he handled everything from the announcement of Steve Ballmer's reorganization to his retirement to the acquisition of Nokia’s devices and services group, to the crowning of new CEO Satya Nadella.And in between he dealt with things like the launch of Office for iPad, earnings, acquisitions, board of director news, partnerships, financial news ...While known for his work with Microsoft, WaggEd actually represents a Shaw has done it all at Microsoft. From hard kombucha to no-sugar candies, these 30 food and drink entrepreneurs will continue to impact what we eat and how its made.

Now a company cofounded by one of his trainees is using technology to stabilize these flights.Most of the 30 Under 30 Media honorees have achieved success by serving audiences and telling stories about communities that have often been overlooked. "There's always a reason to be writing about Airbnb these days, whether it's some sort of horror story or some fantastical rental.

In August 2017, I received an email from publicist Masha Drokova asking whether I wanted to interview her client, Jeffrey Epstein. Nick is simply great to work with," says Business Insider's Julie Bort.Although he lives in Washington, D.C., his Twitter avatar is Crazy Crab, "which old-school San Francisco Giants fans should appreciate," he tells us.Natalie Kerris, is in charge of communications for products like the iPhone and iPad at Apple. Founded in 2005, Nashi — \"ours\" in Russian — emerged in the wake of Ukraine's Orange Revolution to counter Russian op… Work Life Ventures He has since added Android to his plate, another huge area of interest for both the tech media and the mainstream press.By Android, we mean the operating system, the Nexus devices, Android Wear, Android Auto, Google Developer, Google Now ... you get the picture.That puts her at the intersection of tech and entertainment. "She’s established a nice niche of clients and knowledge about enterprise tech," one tech reporter said, and knowledge about business tech is really rare among PR pros.Before founding Nectar Communications in 2008, Petersen spent more than a decade at The Outcast Agency where she was the first employee and worked with companies like Facebook, TiVo, and EMC.Tracy Sjogreen is a cofounder of Nectar Communications, which represents tech companies like, LinkedIn, Quip, Brocade and VMware.Nectar also known for its work with Workday through its successful IPO.Nectar, based in San Francisco, has been growing its team like mad, she says. "Kevin really has a knack for pitching interesting stories about the companies he represents," says Business Insider's Julie Bort.At Outcast, she has worked for companies like Airbnb, Airware, Andreessen Horowitz, DARPA, Instagram, Khosla Ventures, Lytro, the Nike Foundation, Pinterest, Samsung, and Udacity.In the past year, she's helped with Airbnb’s redesign and new products, helped Instagram launch its ad program, and helped Dan Kaufman (affectionately known as "DARPA Dan") make his debuts at the Code conference, SXSW, and Fortune Brainstorm Tech.On top of that, Pogue is bi-coastal, splitting her time between San Francisco and New York.Ryan Bartholomew works for PR agency Waggener Edstrom, otherwise known as Microsoft's PR.She's worked on big Microsoft products like Windows and Services, and most recently, Surface and PC Accessories.She helped launch the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 in the fall of 2013, and the Surface Pro 3 this past spring, including hosting 200 reporters for the launch event.When not juggling tech reporters, she can be found "rifling through vintage shops for home decor and carting my 11-year-old black lab around in a bike trailer," she tells us.Amber Rowland founded The Rowland Agency in 2009, after leaving VMware where she was employee No. Masha Drokova has had a busy year, tapping into her PR network and sourcing limited partners (LPs) to back her first venture capital firm.