They are then asked to rearrange their line in order of their birthdays (considering only the month and date). In case of a tie, increasing the height for the egg-fall serves as a tiebreaker.One of the group members is allotted the role of a farmer and the rest team acts as villagers. All you need is balloons, paper, and pens/pencils. Next, they are instructed to classify the demonstrated things into 4 categories (you can decide on this number). Place these tags on the back of the person so that they can’t see it but the others can.For a set amount of time let the group mingle and ask each person to guess what their label is by the way other members act towards them. Different activities, participation and team building events have become the vital ingredients of the corporate organizations. Break the group into small teams and ask them to stand in straight line, slightly away from the pile. There are few conditions to be followed while playing this game:1) At a time, only one disc can be moved from the tower2) Only the uppermost disc on a tower can be shifted and3) the team is not allowed to put a larger disc on a smaller disc.The minimum number of moves required to solve a Tower of Hanoi puzzle is 2n – 1, where n is the number of disks.Divide everyone in groups of four or five.

Based on the difficulty level, allocate different points for different things on the list.Allocate a specific time limit for the teams need to meet back. The team that survives this free fall is the winner. To do the pencil drop, tie one of the ends of both the stings at the eraser-end of the pencil and tie the remaining two open ends around the waist of two team members facing their backs to each other.Ask them to move back and back in order to lower down the pencil into the water bottle placed on the floor below.

And this eclectic collection of top 50 team games would help you do just that! It can be a personal or professional memory, but mandatorily a true incident.Then Partner A discusses the same memory again, but this time focusing on the bright side with positive takeaways. The scenario is that the teams are lost in arctic and they need to build a shelter to withstand the cold winds. Discuss with the entire group on the reasons behind the successful selling spree of winning team and what other teams could have done better.This helps the group to see the same things in new light and come up with crunch-time ideas and problem solving.For each person’s scenario, the rest of team members have to ask just “one” question. The Corporate Cups are fantastic single sport events designed to deliver unrivalled experiences for everyone involved. Teams will be left with nostalgic lingering smiles on their faces for a long time.The group is given a scenario where a plane has crashed, leaving everyone stranded on a desert far away. Have a Laughter Yoga session before each meeting to lower stress level and have more productive meetings that generate lots of creative ideas.As the business grows, it’s inevitable that you will have new team members. The search is narrowed down when they are asked to choose only moment that they would like to relive in the “last 30 seconds of their lives”.The second part of the game allows participants to know each other at intimate level as each one of them share the highlights of the last 30 seconds of their lives. The spinner is free to face any side of the triangle.

Some examples of things that can be included on the list include – teammate in a swimming pool, a cat, Turn Right signboard, a kid on the swing, a personalized number plate, a particular slogan etc.Find an area that is free of obstacles and ask participants to spread out. The goal of the game is to have each of the team to touch the numbers from 1 to 20 in sequence. The pictures are distributed to the participants and are asked to not reveal it to the others. This fun activity is much harder than it seems! Groups perform based on the creative use of items in the bag. Work together to create a mural on an office wall, or create some other type of art together. These are kept around various locations in the room to be found by the blindfolded members. Get a standard piñata from any store and get it stuffed with items employees actually love: five dollar bills, full-size candy bars, gift cards to the local deli.

But where does the stick rest? There are two conditions to follow –1) Everyone should hold hands of two different people2) No one should hold hand of someone who’s standing directly next to themThe objective of the game is to untangle everyone forming the human knot without breaking the circle.